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Skibbereen, Co. Cork, P81 H524

+353 86 7777048

ART practitioner & naturopath.

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IBD - Crohn's

IBD Solution - the layman’s guide to lasting remission of Crohn’s and UC

Crohn’s is forever, right??? Wrong!

Do you suffer from Crohn's or Ulcerative colitis?

Chances are, you've been told that there is no solution, other than to load up on immuno-suppressive medication for the rest of your life?

Speaking from vast clinical experience, please be comforted that THERE are solutions for lasting remission.

Once the cause of your auto-immunity has been identified and removed, your Crohn's is likely to disappear.

My first experience of this was when my brother and cousin were both diagnosed with Crohn's disease at the same time. My brother headed straight to our local naturopath and my cousin took the medical immuno-suppressive route. 20 years later and my brother has never had a relapse and my cousin has had 3 surgeries resulting in most of his intestines removed. The consequences are devastating. The pain and ripple effect into your entire life are all consuming.

What if there was a solution? Well…there is!

I've had multiple patients with severe IBD who were passing copious amounts of blood and mucous, undigested food in the stool multiple times daily, even while on all of the conventional medication. Within weeks of being on a tailor made plan, they had NO remaining symptoms, their calprotectin levels (a marker of IBD) had dropped to normal levels, and, more importantly, they avoided life altering surgery.

Work with me one-to-one for a Tailor Made Plan for your IBD. Get personalised recommendations for the exact supplements, herbs, food and lifestyle to put your IBD into lasting remission. I use state of the art biofeedback testing to find out what are the exact causes of your auto-immunity and what is the most specific solution for you.